The sun has come to visit Oregon this week. It surprises me every year when we get a few days of sunshine in February and I feel like my spirit is completely renewed.
I enjoyed a day full of different opportunities to spend time with my kids. I worked the last 3 nights but got off early was home by 4am. I loaded the dishwasher, started it and sent a text to my 15yr old to remind her of her dentist and Dr appt later this morning. I then responded to a text from my oldest daughter about my plans for the day. She was going to her 7wk post baby check up. It was a little disappointing to find the 2baskets of laundry I had dumped on my side of the bed were still there unfolded and my husband was very sound asleep. So there I was in the dark at 4am trying to fold clothes so I could get in bed. Sometimes I wonder when Ill get better organized.
10am came early and off to the dentist we went, a quick lunch then on to the Dr office to discuss some treatments for Acne. (Age 15 is not the easiest)
I arrived home just in time to spend 20 min visiting with my grandma who lives on my street, ate my lunch now that it was 3pm and in the car again to pick up daughter #4 from school.
After arriving home with #4, the oldest calls and asks do you want to meet to go for a walk?
I was thankful to enjoy the clear sunny late afternoon. #4 daughter came along to run with and wear out the Grand dogie Libby. ( she feels a little displaced since Colton has arrived)
Colton is a joy, his eyes are bright,cheeks are round,he is calm and snugly. Or as my #2 daughter would say "schnuggly"
I am so blessed to be Mermie to such a sweet content bundle of preciousness.

We headed home after our walk had a little bite to eat and out the door again with #4 daughter to Jr church group. Finally spent sometime with #2 daughter hearing about her new job. I am so thankful she has a job to keep her busy while her husband is deployed and she settles back into the nest for several months until he returns.
The day is done punctuated by the sounds of my husband in his office playing on line "combat games" I periodically her "help" "oh no". It makes me laugh. The blessing of a full day. I better go fold the basket of laundry I left on my side of the bed again. Need Sleep.